Supernatural: The Wind Up

Hee. So.Much.Word. (I've had a lot of free time recently.)

Hee. So.Much.Word. (I’ve had a lot of free time recently.)

Let’s be honest here, this week was the set-up for the next bit of season 10. That is fine, let’s get all our ducks in a row and get on with the show, I say. But that means that even though we had a lot going on in this episode, “The Hunter Games” really didn’t have that much going on when it was all said and done.

In fact, I have more to say about everyone’s hair and wardrobe than what happened to our lovely heroes. So, welcome to my first ever Coifs and Costumes recap!

Rowena and Crowley:

SPN Crowley Rowena

Rowena has the lovely, bouncy red locks that Katrina Crane wishes she had! Topped off with a freakin’ floor length royal purple gown, she makes scheming and manipulating her King of Hell son look easy. Who knows what she is up to, but it is fun watching.

Crowley, while one of the best manipulators out there doesn’t seem to have a clue that his Mother is slowly twisting the noose around his neck. Maybe that’s because he is spending way to much time admiring his new svelte figure and pushing his thinning hair around on his head to make it look like he isn’t balding as much as Metatron. Or maybe he’s just too preoccupied checking his phone for lovey text messages from Dean. (Did you see how quickly he leapt with joy to go meet Dean? Awww, poor Crowley, he’s got it bad for that boy.)

Castiel and Claire: 

SPN Cas Claire

*SIGH* Claire is just as irritating as her “rebel” haircut. Look at that thing. It’s like some crazed, teased, beehive-y thing with a dash of 90s side braids. A way to look like you shaved your head in some manic punked out frenzy, without doing any real damage, so once you sober up the next day you can go back to your boring job without any to-do from your boss. (And really, what was up with those ‘drifters’ she befriended? I kept expecting demon eyes or something. Nope, just two random dirtbags picking up lost teenage girls at dive bars and offering to KILL HER ENEMIES FOR FREE. Seriously, I don’t get them at all.)

Season 4 Castiel. With tie and swoon inducing hair.

Season 4 Castiel. With tie and swoon inducing hair.

Remember when Castiel’s hair was deliciously askew all the time? Those were the days. Castiel has gotten quite tight with his hair in the past few seasons, giving us a very conservative version of how Dean is wearing his hair. Of course Cas is taking style pointers from Dean, that boy has his hair game down cold. Does Cas care more about his hair now that he is more human and in touch with his feelings? Possibly. Will he take to heart the one reasonable thing Claire has said to him and add a tie back to his ensemble? Let’s hope so. #Castielwearsatie








Remember when Sam called him Megatron back in season 8? hee. Good times.

Remember when Sam called him Megatron back in season 8? hee. Good times.

Do we still need Metatron around? I don’t know, but Curtis Armstrong’s Metatron looks like the same disheveled scuzz he’s looked like for as long as I can remember. And really, that’s all I want from him. Good job. Also, if bringing him around from time to time lets me enjoy ReallyAngryReallySexyDean, then fine, stop by from time to time. #Imnotmadeofwood

Sam and Dean:

SPN sam gif

Sam needs a haircut. Nothing drastic, I like him just a little shaggier is all. His hair is a little too all one length, flat and mopey right now. I don’t know, maybe it’s a character choice. I see Sammy is still into the plaid cowboy shirts with snaps instead of buttons. I honestly have no idea how I feel about this. Neutral, maybe. I do like that this season Sam is the caretaker of Dean, after so many seasons of Dean being Sammy’s caretaker. Just bring back season 8 Sam hair and all will be well. 🙂

SPN Dean plaid gif

Dean surprized me this week. First, because he was all “You’re right guys, I’m a straight up stone cold killer, let’s get rid of the Mark yesterday!” (I was sure Dean would be more fighty about it), and second, I am not a fan of brown and gold plaids, but Dean pulled that shit off. Maybe it was just because I get all hot and bothered when Dean gets all ReallyAngryReallySexyDean. I mean, I want him to be better, but damn that boy is hot when he’s hotheaded. His hair game, as usual, is aces.

And then I saw this bit of fan pondering out in the wilds of the interwebs, and my head went all kaflooey.


So yeah, everyone, including Dean, is worried about Dean, Crowley has his hands full with his Mother (even if he doesn’t know it yet), and Castiel has hopefully gotten rid of Claire, and regained a tie. Because Castiel wears a tie, dammit! Let the quest for the Ridding of the Mark commence!