Supernatural: It’s A Horror Show

The people who are writing this season, a crew that is mostly new considering the show has been on for 12 seasons, are doing a smashing job of honoring the massive history of the show, but also letting it breath and feel fresh. The showrunner, Andrew Dabb, has done an excellent job of hiring people who clearly give a shit about the show.

^^ I wrote this two weeks ago after episode 20, where Mary and Ketch get in an all-out brawl, ending with Ketch tasering Mary and bringing Lady Bevell back into the mix.

And then I got stuck.

There is a lot going on in the world.

A lot going on in my life.

I have enjoyed this season so much, and I was having a hard time doing the show justice with my namby-pamby little recaps.

But then this last week’s episode ended, and I’ve been waiting around for the TWO-HOUR season finale tonight, and all I wanna say is:




It’s all been so good. Richard Speight, Jr. directed the shit out of episode 20, and Samantha Smith acted the shit out of episode 21, and then Mr. Ketch gave a perfectly perfect Bond villain speech as he left the Winchesters and Lady Bevell to slowly die in the bunker, while Mary Winchester held guns on her two boys!!!


And we all know that leaving the Winchesters anything but dead isn’t a good set-up for your win.

Hell, even Dead Winchesters are more likely to be winning the day, so leaving them to slowly suffocate seems like a terrible terrible idea.

I am hoping that any hunter that was mentioned as being dead is not actually dead, because killing series recurring characters off screen would be a huge no-no in my book. Let’s hope all that talk was just to make the boys angry.


Lucifer figured out a way to get back his powers, and then KILLED CROWLEY.

I’m guessing that it won’t stick. I saw that little rat run out after Crowley’s dead vessel was dragged away, and there were no demony fireworks when Lucifer stabbed him with an angel blade, so I am guessing we will be seeing Rowena pop in and safe that little bastard before it’s all over.

And so we head off to the two-hour season finale, and I hope it is as awesome and entertaining as this whole season has been. As usual, I have no idea where this is heading, and I am very curious to see if they set-up lucky season 13 by the end of it all.