Supernatural: The Art of Dyeing

Happy Valentines Day, y’all!

Supernatural -- "Blood Brother" -- Image SN805b_0262 -- Pictured: Jensen Ackles as Dean -- Credit: Diya Pera/The CW --  © 2012 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved

After this episode, it really does feel like Jeremy Carver told the writing staff to rewatch seasons 1-5 over their summer break. And to add to the delight of this season so far, we get a really sweet scene between Sam and Dean at the end of this thing, sealing the promise that this season those two would really have each other’s backs. I love it when Sam and Dean are sweet to each other!

Then! Holidays suck for the Winchesters, and Dean and Amara are a thing, I guess.

Now! Be careful which witch you buy your spells from, for goodness sake! Also, don’t make promises you can’t, or don’t want, to keep.

The beautiful boys think they have a shifter on their hands after a few murders by people who were otherwise engaged (dinner with wife/being dead), and after ruling out the wife of the man who cheated on her with the babysitter, they are at a loss. Until, the wife shows up at the motel, being chased by her dead husband, and confesses to casting a spell given to her by her stylist, a self proclaimed White Witch.

The boys have an amusing back and forth, working out the possible rules of the curse, which turns out to be a kiss-transmitted-curse, leading Dean to kiss Melissa once her dead husband tosses a cinder block through the sliding glass door of the motel. Dean is now the keeper of the curse, much to Sammy’s dismay, and they head off to the stylist’s salon to see if they can find out what’s what.

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Look at her face after Dean kisses her! Hahahaha.

And they of course find out what’s what, a genie like creature called a Qareen, which takes form as your deepest, darkest desire right before it rips your heart out. DEAN FINALLY WINS A GAME OF ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS*, and Sam heads upstairs in search of the Qareen’s heart, while Dean hopes for the Bach version of Daisy Duke. (*Jensen said recently that the rock/paper/scissors thing in this episode was their idea and not in the script)

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Of course, this is Supernatural, and Dean’s real Deepest, Darkest Desire is Amara. *sigh* Luckily, Dean is smart enough to know this isn’t really Amara, and while he tussles with the Amara apparition, Sam finds the heart upstairs. He, of course, doesn’t destroy the thing immediately, so the stylist can sneak up behind him and strangle him for a second before Melissa shows up and stabs her stylist so Sam can get back to stabbing the heart in a box.

Back in the motel Dean finally confesses to Sam about Amara. Sammy is not surprized, and wholly sweet about their latest predicament. Dean Freaking Winchester admitted that he’s not strong enough. That is a huge freakin’ deal, and Sammy Freaking Winchester took up the mantle without hesitation. I LOVE THIS SHOW.

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As the boys leave, the camera pulls back through the broken glass door and we see that they have left money for the broken door under the cinder block. Cute!


Dean: “What is it, like, an ironic werewolf?”

Dean: “Hey, uh, what’s a, dad bod?”

Melissa: “What kind of FBI agents are you?” Dean: “The fake kind.”

Dean: “The Art of Dyeing. Well, can’t say she didn’t warn you.”

And the most important bit, which I have block-quoted for your enjoyment:

Dean: Honestly? What you honestly think the sister of God is my deepest darkest desire.

Sam: She isn’t?
Dean: No, she can’t be.
Sam: Why not?
Dean: Why? Because if she was, then that means I’m-
Sam: Means you’re what? Complicit? Weak? Evil?
Dean: For starters, yeah.

Sam: Dean, do you honestly think you ever had a choice in the matter? She’s the sister of God. And for some reason she picked you, and that sucks, but if you think I’m gonna blame you or judge you, I’m not.

Sam: Just how bad is it?

Dean: Standing here right now? Every bone in my body wants to run her through, send her back to that hole she crawled out of. But when I’m near her… I don’t know — something happens. I can’t explain it. But to call it desire, love — it’s not that. I’m screwed, man. We want to kill the Darkness. We need to kill the Darkness. And I don’t think I can. I’m sorry to do that to you, you know? But when it comes down to it…

Sam: I got it Dean.

Next! Time travelling and Crowley on a leash. You know, typical Supernatural stuff…