Supernatural: Here Come The (Franken) Stynes

Time to say another sad goodbye. Thanks a lot, Supernatural.

Sweet shot of Metallicar in a deluge.

Sweet shot of Metallicar in a deluge.

But first! I can’t help but wonder, is this rain storm crew made or nature made? I am guessing that filming in a downpour like this would be problematic unless it was controlled, but regardless, it looks AWESOME on film. As do those beautiful boys.

Wet Winchesters!

Wet Winchesters!

Anyhoo, this scene is getting ahead of things, isn’t it? 🙁

So, we’ve got the Stynes, a new group of undercover badasses who have been running the Evil Show for decades (including getting Hitler started, and causing the Great Depression). Only their real name is Frankenstein, a name they had to ditch when family friend Mary Shelley came for a visit, wrote a novel, and blew their cover outta the water. They have been using magic and harvesting of body parts ever since to continue their reign of evil and make their money off the resulting fallout. I mean, I think that’s their M.O.. I wasn’t entirely clear on it once we got the Frankenstein reveal.

Sammy has been acting so out of character that Dean asks him if he got a woman stashed somewhere and the look on Sam’s face at the idea of having a girl on the down low is only topped by Dean’s grudging acceptance of Sam’s clear lie about just wanting to go do stuff on his own. In fact, Sam spends a good chunk of this episode lying less and less convincingly, as Dean become more and more suspicious.

It doesn’t help that Sam has enlisted the begrudging help of Charlie and Castiel, citing their love for Dean to twist their arms into helping Rowena crack the codex. It’s pretty ugly watching Sam use his friends like this, even if he has convinced himself that he is doing it all for the love of his brother.


As in most poorly laid plans that include desperation and arm twisting, the whole thing comes unraveled after one too many phone calls from a befuddled Castiel and Sammy’s increasingly less effective poker face. Dean puts the whole thing together the second that Elton Styne tells us that the “Book of the Damned” can’t be destroyed, particularly not by fire. And then, when Dean goes to confront Sam, who is taking yet another call from Castiel, Elton snaps his own arm at the elbow and makes his escape. EWW.

In the meantime, Castiel is trying to keep the peace between Rowena and Charlie who have taken to bickering among themselves, losing all ability to focus on the Sammy instructed task. Castiel tries to sooth them with snacks, but when that doesn’t work, he takes Rowena into another room to give Charlie some quiet time. Charlie decides the only way to get any work done is to take off to a motel, where she is promptly followed by the Styne’s, and even though she gets the breakthrough she needs pretty quickly, the Styne’s waste no time breaking down her door to get “what’s mine!”

Before we know it, Dean has figured out everything, snatched the phone from Sam, and is barking orders for Charlie to give up all her info to Elton, and get the hell outta there. She refuses as she uploads her code breaking info to… the cloud?… Sam’s email?… IDK, but she smashes her laptop once the upload is complete. We see Sam and Dean driving and fighting all the way to the motel, as Elton confronts a knife-wielding Charlie in her motel bathroom.

COMMERCIAL BREAK????? Aaaarrgh……. (So mean!)

We now have looped back to the scene from which those glorious gifs at the top of the post were culled, and as Sam and Dean run through one of the most epic rainstorms we have seen on this show, I know it’s gonna be bad. After all the anvils that were dropped this episode, there is really only one ending here, and it is brutal.



Sam and Dean arrive at the motel too late, and find a dead and blood spattered Charlie in the tub.



I know that I am a sap. I embrace it, truly. And this last shot of the episode made me feel all the feels. And after all of these years and all the death, Supernatural can still get me. The look on their faces… MEH.

I happen to be one of the people who actually liked Charlie. But I have had a bad feeling about her survival all season. This is Supernatural after all, and very few make it as far as she has. Not to mention the fact that once you declare your love for those beautiful boys, your time is generally almost up. So now Sam will be all guilt, and Dean has a reason to not only be full of rage, but has a really good reason to hold a grudge against Sammy. Two more episodes to see how it all shakes out.

Also, Crowley had a long conversation with a hamster. HEE.

Gifs lovingly lifted from Where We Belong tumblr, as usual.