Supernatural: Season 10!

First off, I am very very excited to have my show back. This new fall TV season has been pretty disappointing for me. Nothing has really grabbed me like Sleepy Hollow did last season, so I am enjoying getting my tried and true favorites back on the air.

For several reasons, I am not recapping the SPN season 10 premiere. Baseball is still on; my DVR is packed; I’m working on a novel; I broke up with my boyfriend and some days I just want to NotDoAnything; it’s still really nice outside, etc., etc.

So, here is what I have to say: Good Stuff!

DemonDean is not really super evil, just kind of a dick. You get the feeling that Dean is getting the vacation that he never got but desperately needed. Somehow, this Mark of Cain and demon-y resurrection has given him a respite, and he is reveling in it.

Crowley (the always awesome, and newly svelte Mark Shepard) has been setting Dean up with victims to “feed” the Mark, hoping to keep Dean on an even keel demon-wise, and wanting his new bestie to rule Hell beside him. Unfortunately for Crowley, DemonDean would rather sing karaoke and bed lovely bar patrons.

Sammy. Poor, poor Sammy. He has predictably fallen into a depressing routine of eating and researching and being morose. When he gets a lead on his brother, and tracks Dean and Crowley down, instead of getting to the finish line, he gets kidnapped by a preposterously short kidnapper. (seriously, that shrimp not only knocked out Sam, but dragged his giant body off and tied him up in a chair? Oooookaaay.) And to add insult to injury, when Shrimpy (what? he’s new, IDK his name yet!) calls Dean to tell him he’s got Sammy and gives him an “or else”, Dean is all, “MEH. Whatevs, dude.”


Castiel is sick, and weak, and wandering the countryside with Hannah, trying to round-up the angel straggler’s now that Heaven is back in business. You know I love Cas, adore the sweetest little angel, but where is this going, and how will Cas be relevant to the Winchester’s this season? I am not sure, especially since Castiel is losing Grace fast, and seems to be hanging on to his angel-ness by his fingernails.

So, good set-up. lots of Dean girl fanservice (THANK YOU! 🙂 ), and I have high hopes for another fun season of Supernatural. Hooray!

(Here’s hoping we’re back to recap mode this week.)

Image posted because it’s pretty – found on the interwebz