Supernatural: Taking Its Toll

Because I am not always on the ball, I spent the first chunk of this episode thinking it was the season finale, when in fact, it was not. Total fangirl FAIL. :/ Also, my local CW affiliate was showing the Yankees/Mets game, which of course went on for over four hours, making the DVRing and subsequent viewing of this episode tricky. And irritating. (Go Yanks!)


We start with the first non-creepy little girl on this show maybe ever (she’s and angel!), getting blasted out of an ice cream parlor in Missouri. Cas calls the boys for help, and after a concerning conversation about the First Blade, they head out for Missouri. Seems as Metatron is taking the war to another level. Or is he??

Maybe he is, but Castiel has got a problem on his hands. Zealot Castiel followers taking out themselves and the enemy by self-sacrificing themselves. Cas is not pleased. And while Dean and his rage machine is ready to bust some angel ass, Sammy is more interested in working the case, seeing that Sammy is the reasonable one right now.

Searching out the root of the angel bombers, Dean runs into Tessa, and I am all, Reaper?? Wha’… Of course, the reapers have nothing to do now that Heaven is closed, and this is why I love this show. I totally didn’t think about what is going on with the reapers!

Anyway, Dean brings Tessa back to Castiel headquarters to try and get some answers. The other angels are not happy about this, but Dean insists, and we get the glimpse into how bad things have gotten for everyone cast out of Heaven. The once confident and bad ass reaper has been tortured by the sounds of the lost souls screaming, and instead of just offing herself, has joined with the angel bombers to try and do some good on her way out. But when Dean pulls out the First Blade, she sees only one way out, and impales herself on the blade. And you know what? Even though Dean likes Tessa, and obviously feels for her, he seems to almost take pleasure in how it feels to have her die by his hand, and that, my friends, is no bueno.

Now everyone thinks that Dean killed her, which puts our rageaholic hero in a defensive position. The angels already thinks think he’s an unstable ass, so it’s easy for them to make the leap. Dean defends himself, but a dubious Sam and Castiel are not sure. And here’s the thing, Dean doesn’t seem all that upset that they don’t believe him, just a bit perturbed.


Meanwhile, Metatron is off trying to recruit more angels for his team. After a hilarious failed attempt involving bowling, he uses the anger of the victims of the bombers to get them on his side. So of course, like a good villain, Metatron calls Cas on AngelSkype to monologue, and convinces the rest of Castiel’s angels to defect after Cas refuses to kill Dean.

These angels are a fickle group, aren’t they? Sheesh.

BUT! Gadreel is finally coming around. Took him long enough, poor thing. BTW, 000000;">Tahmoh Penikett is killing it as Gadreel. 

Our three heroes head back to the MoL bunker, army-less. After a cocksure rage-filled Dean declares himself dictator to an ever increasingly impatient Sam, and Castiel insists his power source is fine, Gadreel shows up claiming he is done with Metatron and wants to help. He’s pretty convincing if you ask me, but apparently Dean is not as impressed, and as Gadreel offers his hand, Dean does a classic fake-out and rips a hole in his chest with the First Blade. Castiel and Sam rush to restrain the raging Dean as Gadreel falls to the ground. DAMMIT DEAN.


Sam: “Spears and Aguilara?”  Castiel: “I noticed your alias’ are usually names of popular musicians.”  Dean: “Wow.”

Gadreel: “I gave you a second.”  Metatron: “You’re such an angel sometimes.”

Castiel: “They like me to say their names.”  Dean: “I know a couple of women like that.”

Sam: “Wait a second, you know about The Lord of the Rings?”  Castiel: “I’m very pop culture savvy now.”

Metatron: “While everyone else is playing checkers, I’m playing Monopoly. And I always build on Boardwalk. And I always win.”

So, we are off to the races! I am generally on Dean’s side when it comes to the drama between these boys, and I feel like Sam is generally… SAM about it all, but give credit to the writers this season, I am all on Sammy’s side this time.  As is usual, I have no earthly idea how they’re gonna get out of this mess, but I am looking forward to it!