Fringe: Through the Looking Glass

That look on Olivia’s and Astrid’s faces? That was me during this episode. In fact, I watched it twice before I could even begin to put any thoughts down as to what’s going on.

And even now, I still feel as if I have no idea what’s going on, but every idea.

Last week, I said I thought Peter was going to turn out to be the first Observer. While I still am not sure I’m wrong, I also decided the bald boy is the first Observer. And that Observer Windmark may well be that young boy. And that Donald is the dude who killed Olivia in that cartoon episode.

What we know:

  • Peter was supposed to die. September saving him changed everything for everybody.
  • The Observers can only survive long-term if the air quality is degraded.
  • Ditto for the young boy.
  • The young boy, seen in Season 1, also had empath/psychic abilities.
  • The episode the boy appeared in also featured Ella and Olivia being happy that Ella woke her up. This episode had Peter & Olivia mourning Etta.
  • Observers look at everything so weirdly because they see it all through a strange haze of Matrix-like signals. Peter’s starting to do the same.

We’re speeding toward the end of it all, and with every episode, we’re seeing that however however fleeting things in the first season may have seemed, and however disjointed things this season seem from the the other seasons, the showrunners have a plan.

Despite anything I or anyone else has felt at any point during this or previous seasons, it’s all coming together. The symbols, the cases, The Pattern, the Observers – the entire point of the series is soon becoming apparent.

I just hope there’s a reason that Olivia has been sleepwalking her way through this season. Though the way she killed the Observer by pulling him back into this universe from the pocket ‘verse – WHILE HE WAS CHOKING HER – was pretty badass.

7 Episodes left.