It’s Friday, Fringe fans!

So here we are, all happy now that the official news that Fringe has been renewed, for a full season no less, has really sunk in, the final four episodes of the season begin tonight!. After having my TV heart broken several times by ruthless cancellations, many of them by Fox, I was terribly dubious about renewal. Now I can settle in for the last chunk of the season and fully enjoy it without the depressing gloom that settles over me when one of my favorite shows is on the chopping block.

The last episode all took place Over There, where Fauxlivia took one episode to have a baby, in a most harrowing way, and we get to see Charlie (yay!), Lincoln (love him!), and Henry the cabbie (can’t wait for more of him), all leap to the rescue and be awesome, and Walternate be evil-ish some more, and The Observer be all ambiguously Observer-like. It was a pretty awesome episode, full of all the great twists and turns we expect from this show, but are still surprized by in most delightful ways. The crux of it all, is that Peter has a son, and Walternate is a Grandpa, and god-only-knows-what this means for our pals Over Here.

Meanwhile, our Olivia is still hosting the spirit of William Bell, and as fun as it was to see Walter hang with his old pal, looks like getting ol’ Belly out of Olivia is gonna be harder than they thought! Can’t wait to see how that all goes down tonight.

Get ready guys, I have a feeling these last four episodes are gonna be careening around at breakneck speed! Watch Fringe on Fox, tonight at 9pm, or catch it online here or here.

Oh yeah! Fox has a nice little treat for all the Fringe fans out there. Starting tonight, and continuing until the season finale on May 6th, they are giving the chance for fans to win props from the show. Go here for all the details, and good luck!