Fringe: Save It!

I was all ready to write up a nice little piece about how awesome Fringe is, and why oh why aren’t more of you watching it, and get out there and make sure that Fox lets us have another season of this fantastic show, and then I read Ken Tucker’s Save this Show! piece over on, and realized he did a much better job than I ever could writing about why Fringe should be able to stick around for season four. The opening paragraphs:

The bonds of family, the ecstasy of romance, the exhilaration of intellectual inquiry, and a secret government agency working to protect you from all kinds of crazy, weird stuff. If I told you there was a TV series featuring all of that, plus great acting and superb action sequences, wouldn’t you want to watch that?

Sure you would. And people who are watching Fringe now know  it’s doing something rare. It’s a TV show working on all levels, characters with which anyone can identify, imaginative scripts, crackling dialogue, and a positive message (boiled-down: All you need is love). It’s the kind of show that, every time you finish watching the latest installment, you want to see its next episode right now.

Isn’t that lovely writing? He makes a great case for the existence of this show, so go ahead and read it. I’ll wait.

In the meantime, my good friend Jess pointed me to this piece over on Confident Fringe Producers Casting New Character for Season 4. See what I mean? The headline alone inspires great hope. This is all kinds of encouragement for this fan, but could be insanely heartbreaking if Fox drops the ax.

So go ahead and join the Save Fringe facebook page, fire up your DVRs, or sit down for an hour on Friday night at 9pm and watch one of the best shows on TV right now. You know you want to!