Supernatural: Fight the Fairies!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Dean? Because I do. Especially when he is in the middle of a Ben Edlund episode. I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Edlund has as big a crush on Dean as I do, because he really writes the dickens out of that character.


This episode starts with a jolt: a completely new opening title sequence that initially made me angry (I love the THEN; NOW; SUPERNATURAL title card sequence), until I realized that it was an homage to my dear, departed The X-Files! I am not sure if this show has ever done that before – my memory is definitely faulty these days – but I am surprized they haven’t referenced TXF before this.

Anyhoo! Our lovely brothers show up in the middle of a town that seems to be UFO abduction central, and our beautiful brothers are all dubious about UFOs and aliens – as usual, until Dean gets zapped out of a crop-circled corn field while having a mighty funny conversation with darling Sammy about his “Close Encounter! Close Encounter!”. Then, Sammy, newly interesting this season, checks out the UFO crazies, and ends up picking out a patchouli-scented beauty to bring back to the motel. Later that night, Dean returns in a flash, shooting with abandon. Realizing he’s back in the corn field, he ends up  stumbling in on his brother and hippie girl enjoying the… motel atmosphere.

Turns out it wasn’t aliens, but Fairies and their ilk (Leprechauns, Sprites, Tinkerbells, etc.) who some feel explain the whole alien phenomenon over the years. Ben Edlund style hilarity ensues with Sammy’s soulless indifference and Dean’s new found ability to see the fairy land around him. I especially enjoyed the nuking of the tinkerbell in the microwave, and Dean’s description of said tinkerbell. Hee!

There is no way I can effectively recap all the fun of this episode, just know that if you like the Ben Edlund Supernaturals, then you will be amused by this one. Yes, we were saddled with yet another Metallicar, soul (ha) searching blah, blah, at the end, but I don’t mind those when the episode is this entertaining. I would, however like to make one request. That the search for Sammy’s soul doesn’t take all freakin’ season. I mean, I love this version of the tallest Winchester, but Dean going on and on about what it’s like to be human, and blah, blah, is gonna get real old, real soon.

Next week: Castiel returns! Again! Yay.