Lost: And now … the end is near …

We’re down to the last 2.5 hours of one of the best shows in the history of television (1- that’s not hyperbole and 2- even if it were, I’m allowed). If you haven’t watched Tuesday’s ep yet, LEAVE NOW.

So, we had two very distinct sets of stories going on last night and they’re hurtling toward one another, faster and faster, ready to culminate in … what?

The Island – Jake & the candidates

• Kate was still a viable candidate. Her name being crossed off had nothing to do with her being killed (though that could still happen) – it had everything to do with her having a purpose in life. Once Kate became mom to Aaron, she no longer was a viable candidate, because she had someone who needed her. Once she chose to get Claire back to Aaron, she became viable again.

• Jacob was visible to the candidates now, not just Hurley. Why? Could he always have made himself visible, but only let Hurley see him because Hurley wouldn’t freak out at being able to see him?

• Jack! I was never a Jack hater, but I’ve really grown to love him the last few episodes. He has finally accepted his place in the world and he’s much more enjoyable to watch. And now he’s the new Jacob and needs to find a way to destroy (or, at least, bottle up) the MiB.

• How long does it take to burn a bag of ashes? Jacob was still there for a long time, no?

• Who was Sawyer trying to kid, saying he was doing just fine until Jacob came along? None of the final candidates was doing OK. All four were all behind bars – either jail or the crazy farm.

• DESMOND! Where are you, brotha? Are you going to save the world in both timelines? (Note to Team Darlton: Remember what I said about Desmond and Pennah!)

The Island – Ben & Flocke, together again for the first time

• What did Widmore tell Flocke?

• Ben, you bastard! I knew you couldn’t be all good, but I didn’t realize you had all that bad left in you, either. I guess when faced with the man indirectly responsible for Alex’s death, however, that was bound to happen.

• Miles: The smartest man left on the island. RUN, MILES, RUN! Don’t answer Ben if he calls you on the walkie, btw.

• Will Flocke still kill Pennah if he manages to leave the island? Oh, wait, if he leaves the island, everyone and everything comes to a screeching halt, so, kind of, yeah.

• Bye Zoe. We hardly knew ye, but you weren’t very important anyway.

• So, Widmore’s dead. Wow. Just when I was starting to maybe kind of like him.

• Is Richard dead? He was released by Jacob from living for all eternity, right?


• Sawyer’s an honest cop. Go figure. But that’s OK, Kate got away anyhow.

• Ana-Lucia! Wow, you’re a crooked cop. Somehow, I was glad to see that Ana-Lucia was a bad one. I never liked her. Love that Hurley and Desmond were basically being like Starsky and Hutch or Laurel and Hardy, maybe.

• Ben, in the haze of Desmond’s beating, saw his other life. Did he see what he did to Danielle? What if she suddenly flashes on her other life? That’ll end her fondness of Dr. Linus. It’s interesting to see, though, the happy, non-crazy Danielle.

• I realize that most of the Losties are happy in the alternate timeline. Only Kate and Sayid are pretty frakkin’ miserable still. What’s going to happen this weekend at the Concert?

Random questions remaining that somehow were raised by this ep

• Why couldn’t women have babies on the island? It’s not the MiB preventing it, as we know of at least once baby conceived and born on the island – Ethan. Was it the detonation of Jughead?

• In the alternate timeline, with the island at the bottom of the ocean, is that an alternate way of keeping MiB from getting off the island? Can we have our happy Losties and leave the Island at the bottom of the sea or do they have to go back to the original timeline and all die?