Lost: The Candidate

Usual spoiler alerts. Do I even need to say that?

Anyway, I’ve seen a lot of hate the last couple of days for Tuesday’s episode, but I loved it.

Yes, at least three beloved, probably four (Frank), characters met their demise in Davy Jones’ locker. No, we don’t feel all that much closer to finding out what’s going on. Yes, it was unnerving that we just wanted to punch Sawyer and say, “JUST LISTEN TO JACK ALREADY!”

But this show has never been about happy endings. In fact, I suspect that Sayid, Sun & Jin’s endings are about as happy as one could expect from Lost.

Sayid was under the thrall of Flocke the last few episodes. It was nice to see him break free of that psychological hold and give his own life to save his friends. They are his friends and he was never going to be with the love of his life, in this reality or any other. He realized that. If there is an afterlife, then Sayid can be with her there. And maybe he will be, Star Wars-style? (I wouldn’t mind Hurley “seeing” the two of them, smiling, holding hands, before the end.)

Sun and Jin have been desperately trying to find each other pretty much the entire run of the series. We started with Sun wanting to escape Jin, but loving him too much to leave. They recaptured their love over the last six years and it’s been a tender love story we’ve watched. In the end, they’ll be together for always, though I cried when their hands separated upon their death.

Their daughter is alive, though, and if all the candidates die, my money’s on her being the final candidate (not a new theory, and one I’ve mentioned before, but the carnage we’ve seen seems to be leading in that direction ever more).

So I have two competing thoughts on what might happen:

1) The alternate universe Losties will figure out enough of what would happen if they reverted to the pre-Jughead version of reality and want to stay there. Pretty much without exception, their lives are better there. Sayid may not have it too great, but he’s not really doing much worse. And he just blew up in the original timeline, so that’s not a very good ending for him. With this alternate timeline, Ben never kills Jacob, so Jacob is still there to keep the cork in the bottle, at the bottom of the ocean (with both vessels – Jacob’s body and MiB’s body killed by the island being in the murky deep, it would seem they’re both without means to get off the island, and that’s probably the best thing).

2) Everyone dies. Hurley, Claire, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Desmond (NOOOOOOOOOOOO). They’re all gone and years later, Sun & Jin’s daughter somehow finds her way to the island to try to figure out what happened to her parents, then becomes the new Jacob.

If you didn’t at least almost bust out crying when Hurley broke down, by the way, you have no soul. Just sayin’.

Of course, this could all be wrong, and Jack could be the new Jacob. Or Desmond could still be alive (but if he doesn’t end up with Penny, Team Darlton has some serious ‘splainin’ to do) and be the new Jacob.

Or what if Des becomes the new Jacob and Jack the new MiB?

My head hurts now.

I’m still not 100 percent convinced that the MiB is actually the bad guy. It’s not like Team Darlton to be so obvious. I suspect that it’s not quite as black and white as it seems to be. Or maybe I’m just fooling myself.