Good news!

The TV Tyrant may have to change its name – to The TV Tyrants.

My good friend Erika has graciously agreed to join me here on TVT. We met online a few years ago through the Save Jericho campaign and she guest-blogged a couple of times in my Jericho recap series.

Along with Beth & Jane, Erika convinced me to watch Supernatural, and I’ve been quite grateful for that, and I’ve seen over the years that we basically have the same taste in television.

Except when it comes to this season of 24.

We’ve both been kind of surprised at our extremely opposing opinions on this season but, oddly enough, that’s what caused us to join forces.

I was starting to write a post explaining why I don’t like this season, almost to explain myself to Erika. Then, I thought, why not have Erika do a response – not as a comment, but as a post?

So I sent her an e-mail asking if she’d be into it and by the time I finished writing my e-mail, I’d invited her to be a full-fledged contributor here.

I’d be hard-pressed to find anyone (OK, maybe Yvonne) who mirrors my taste in television so closely and who is as opinionated about it as I am. Some of you may recognize Erika’s online persona, kricka.

So, please welcome Erika aboard and you should expect to start seeing a lot more posts. 🙂