Lost: Wherein Sawyer remains shirtless quite a bit

Don’t pretend you didn’t notice.

I liked the twist on Sawyer, and the fact that they gave a nod to it with Sawyer saying he was either gonna become a criminal or a cop. In fact, he was pretty much the same person, just a cop instead of a con man.

His “well, hey there” to Kate when he captures her at the end (who didn’t see it coming that she was the runner?), his sheepish attempt to get Charlotte to forgive him, his anger at Charlotte learning too much – even his buddy relationship with Miles was pretty much the same as on-island.

It made me wonder, though: Was the difference in this timeline that Jacob never touched these folks at whatever point in their lives?

We’ve heard from Richard (we get his story Tuesday???? AWESOME) that Jacob’s touch is as much a curse as anything else. What if Jacob’s touch was meant to get our Losties on the road to being Losties?

What if, without his touch, their lives were extremely similar, but yet still different enough that they were no longer candidates?

That would be why their planes didn’t crash.

Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense to me, either, but, then again, what about this show ever does? I mean, except for the parts that totally make sense.

I have to say, I enjoyed seeing Charlotte again. But I’d rather have seen her in some flashback with Faraday, in love and living together. I’d like to have thought that in this alternate reality, flash sideways, whatever you want to call it, Daniel and Charlotte would have found one another and lived happily ever after.

I have to say, I’m exceedingly curious about the Widmore folks. Did they kill the rest of the plane crash survivors? I honestly can’t remember if there were other survivors other than Ilana and her crew. Sawyer wouldn’t have known, given that he didn’t crash with them.

What I still don’t understand at all is what exactly Richard Widmore is. Obviously, he’s a Jacob ally, as he was leader of The Others. But if he was supposed to be leader, why did Jacob allow Ben to run him off? Or is that the Free Will portion of Jacob? I wonder if we’re going to find out where Widmore’s from in the Richard-centric episode on Tuesday??????? I’d love to get some more background on that.

We have just eight episodes left. We’re headed toward a huge showdown, with Flocke and Widmore clashing soon.

I’m getting really excited on the one hand, melancholy on the other. And scared. Scared that not all the questions I have will be answered. I think if that were to happen, my brain just might explode. Asplode.