Supernatural: And now, a break from our … plot

OK, I’m gonna start off saying I’m of two minds about this week’s Supernatural episode, “Fallen Idol.”

On the one hand, it was great. It had all the humor and gore we’ve come to expect from Kripke & Co.

On the other hand, um, hasn’t the apocalypse been unleashed and Sam & Dean head to Canton, Ohio, to find out why one man has been killed in a car that may or may not have belonged to James Dean?


So, first things first:

I hate to admit it, but Paris Hilton was pitch-perfect. She even sounded almost sincere making fun of the celebrity culture that has made her, well, a celebrity. And how can you not enjoy an episode that ends with Paris Hilton’s bloody decapitation after she beats the crap out of Dean?

Then there’s the (literally) bloodthirsty Abraham Lincoln and Ghandi. If you didn’t giggle Sam was struggling with a psychotic Ghandi (or, as Dean would put it, a fruitarian Smurf in diapers) hanging on his back, you have no sense of humor and should just stop reading my blog now.

The episode was very Season 1, in a sense. A one-off. Sure, some of the side points, such as the whole “You need to trust me, Dean,” complaint of Sam and the whole, “But, Sam, you chose demons over me,” bitching of Dean, would have been a bit confusing if you hadn’t been watching all along, but you could kind of get it without being a regular watcher.

But even last season allowed for one-offs a bit more. Sure, we were moving inexorably toward something, but all hell hadn’t – literally – broken loose yet.

Right now, we have Lucifer in possession of someone’s body, angels being as duplicitous and untrustworthy as any demon, demons EVERYwhere, and God totally MIA.

How, exactly, did tonight even address that? OK, Paris Demon did acknowledge that. But just mentioning how all the demons running around in Hell on Earth made it easier for her to snack on superfans doesn’t exactly advance the story any.

It’s been said this may be the final season of Supernatural, and the “Soon” (which any other show is “Coming up on…” featurette showed them going pretty hog-wild doing all sorts of fun and wacky stuff.

I definitely enjoyed the episode, but I was hoping for the plot to move forward a bit more. Looks like we may get more Cas next ep, though, and that’s always a good thing.