3 new boys join the 24 cast

They’re Rami Malek, Julian Morris and Hrach Titizian and will be on for several episodes apiece, at least.


According to The Hollywood Reporter:

• Malek will play  Marcos, a would-be suicide bomber who is Arab American with sympathies toward radical Islam
• Morris will play a CTU SWAT agent
• Titizian will play Nabeel, the second-in-command of security for President Hassan (Anil Kapoor)

Now, this also means some things have changed. Back at the season finale time for Season 7, Kapoor was set to be the brother of/secretary of state to the president of this unnamed Middle Eastern nation.

At the time, I opined that I hoped this would not be another Behrooz plot, as Kapoor’s character’s wife and daughter were part of the plot. Of course, with Kapoor now being Mr. President, I’m not sure what other changes have been made. I need to read up, I guess.

Anil Kapoor of Slumdog Millionaire will play the brother of/secretary of state to the president of yet another unnamed Middle Eastern nation. His wife and daughter are in the picture, but I’m hoping this isn’t another Behrooz plot.

And for the sharp-eyed fans among us, you’re not wrong – Titizian had a blink-and-you-missed-it role in the Season 6 crapapalooza, two whole episodes, last seen accompanying Abu Fayed into the warehouse before the nuke went off. Presumed dead.

But just because his character’s name was Zamil Kouri then and it’s Nabeel now doesn’t mean he’s really someone different. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility for 24 to have Nabeel being Zamil’s alias, with Zamil having come back from the presumed dead to avenge the deaths of his compatriots.

Oooh. I really hope that’s not it, because nothing about Season 6 should be revisited. I mean, really, nothing about Season 6. I wouldn’t even mind if they claimed it was all a bad dream. Except for the part where Audrey’s a brain-damaged vegetable and no longer can remember who Jack is.

OK, I guess the Crapapalooza wasn’t all bad.