Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

I haven’t written about this entry into the Terminator canon on this blog yet, primarily because I could only promise to follow so many shows and didn’t want to fall behind.

As it was, I fell very behind on TSCC and only finally watched the season finale last weekend.


In the interim, there’s been much talk of the likelihood of that episode being a series, rather than season, finale, while Fox decides whether to renew it.

Count me among those who enjoyed TSCC, even when it became rather inscrutable. I’ll admit, there were a couple of episodes when I kind of sat there and said, “Huh?”

We jumped back and forth in time, everyone important to the Connors (except Charlie) was from the future, it seemed. Catherine Weaver was an evil terminator and then, just maybe, a good terminator. But we still don’t REALLY know what the hell is going on.

The whole high school girlfriend who was really a tunnel rat from the future storyline, the whole Jessie hating Cameron storyline (which ended with us learning that something weird had happened on a sub once with a terminator that looked like Ellison, but I can’t figure out wtf, exactly, except that the liquid terminators didn’t want to join with John Connor. Then.) – these left me scratching my head more than once.

And is Sarah dying from cancer or not?

I digress. The fact is, the finale was really fantastic, in part because it made me wonder if the reason John Connor because the leader of the resistance is because he jumps to the future and has in-depth knowledge of the terminators.

It doesn’t really matter, because it’s not truly a part of the canon, with the new Terminator: Salvation coming out soon. That’s the true story about what really happens after Judgement Day anyhow.

TSCC has been fun, has a great cast and has proved that Brian Austin Green is more than just a geeky teenybopper. I mean, we can forgive him 90210 now.