Lost: Some Like It Hoth

How totally awesome was it that the title came from a complete sub-sub-plot, wherein Hurley is writing a new and better script for Empire Strikes Back, one that negates the need for the Ewoks in Jedi.

We all know by now that there’s no way to change the future, so he is doomed to never get his script into George Lucas’ hands, or maybe something in his script even sparks the idea of Ewoks; but that’s one I suppose we’ll never know for 100 percent sure.


What we do know for 100 percent sure now, is something I predicted month and months (maybe eons!) ago: Dr. Marvin Candle (not his real name, but that’s how I always think of him) is Miles’ father.


Of course, that wasn’t too shocking once we knew Dr. Candle had a baby and realized all those recruited for the trip to the island had some sort of connection to it.

So this is the main question I have about Candle/Miles – did Marvin Candle do some weird experiments that led to his son having the ability to commune with the dead? Or was he born with the ability because he was born on the island? Either way, is that why his mom left his dad?

What we now know (besides Miles’ connection to Candle)
• Bram (the guy who was with Ilana on the Hydra island and knocked Lapidus out) is not working for Widmore. We do not, however, know who he is working for. Richard Alpert? In case you missed it, Bram is the guy who was explaining to Miles why he shouldn’t work for Widmore when they kidnapped him in the van, making him lose his fish taco. (I love Lost and its little injections of humor.) He and Ilana are in on something together, and it can’t be good.
• Hurley is fully aware he talks to and sees dead people. So his friend Dave was probably someone who died when that deck collapsed that Hurley went on, which would explain why he was seeing him in the mental hospital. Charlie is, therefore, indeed dead. Means Jacob probably is, too. And I’m thinking this finally answers the “is he or isn’t he” question about Christian Shepard. (For the five people who didn’t think he was dead.)
• Why Miles asked Ben for $3.2 million – it was twice as much as Widmore’s folks were paying him. He’d asked Bram for the same amount, and they turned him down. Maybe he was trying to see if Ben was in with Bram? OK, so maybe we don’t know EXACTLY why he asked for $3.2 million, but we know basically why.
• There is indeed some sort of crazy magnet on the island that could cause someone’s filling to shoot through their skull like a bullet. But I thought the magnet was near the Swan, and they had to bring the body all the hell over the place to get there. The Others seem to be fully aware of this crazy magnet, seeing as the spot where the redshirt was killed was off-limits to Dharma folk.
• Hurley is the coolest person EVER.
• Faraday’s not on the island anymore, and that’s why we haven’t seen him in a while. Oh, wait, he IS on the island now, seeing as he JUST ARRIVED FROM ANN ARBOR. Sorry for shouting, but if you didn’t jump out of your chair at that last scene, well, then, you’re just not a real Lost fan.

What we don’t know (still and new stuff)
• Who Bram and Ilana are working for. It ain’t Widmore, and I don’t think it’s Ben. Though Ben’s, “let me know if I can help” offer to Ilana and Bram could have been a code. They might be Others.
• What the significance is of Bram’s question to Miles: “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” It seems that would be Smokey, but Miles doesn’t know that.
• Um, where’s Sayid?
• What’s going to happen to our Losties now that there’s evidence of them taking Ben out of Dharmaville to Old Othertown?
• What’s up with Faraday? We have to wait for two weeks to get his story, find out how he got off the Island in 1977 and over to Ann Arbor, where the Dharma Initiative apparently is based, where he’s considered some sort of expert on the island. Shockingly (not).

And here’s my brain-twistingly painful question about Faraday: Is the Faraday in the future who is basically crazy and sees the crashed plane on the news the future version of the Faraday who stepped off the submarine?

By that, I mean to say that I think Daniel Faraday is trapped in a time loop. How else would he know that Des was his constant? Sure, he met Desmond back in his lab with the time-traveling mouse, but how would he have known then that Desmond would be on the island? Or that when the island went back in time, he could find Desmond on the island, and where?

Future Daniel is Daniel. He is in a time loop and is all crazy in the future because of all the events he’s set in motion. He’s found, though, that he can’t prevent any of these events from happening and just tries to mitigate it every time.

I think that Daniel knew damn well that he’d told Charlotte never to come back to the island. I think that he tries a different tack each time he’s there. I think he tries to save Charlotte, but is never able to, and he doesn’t even try to escape the time loop until he finds a way to save her.

There, I just thought that up right here and now as I was typing it.

Let’s see what happens.