The Battlestar Galactica meme

Thanks Ms. Smarty Pants Know It All, for keeping the BSG flame alive, with the BSG meme.

I figured I’d answer the questions here on my blog and invite all my BSG-loving friends to answer them here or on their own blogs (which, if you do, please let me know in the comments below, so I can check ’em out):


1. What souvenir would you take from the set on the last day of shooting?
• Adama’s decanter would be pretty cool. Or his admiral’s insignia. Something small. Or, Starbuck’s viper.

2. What’s your favorite Cylon skinjob model? (And I add: Explain why.)
• Number Six. She was a woman for any job. She had so many different personalities, but also, in the end, had a conscience. Caprica Six gave up her freedom to help Athena save Hera (bringing her back to Galactica). She had great strength – physically and emotionally. She had great cunning. She was smart and hot. She was duplicitous and honest.

3. Which character are you the most like?
• Lee. Gotta admit, sometimes I’m a bit too much of a goody two-shoes. Even though I like to pretend I’m kind of badass, I have a hard time doing the wrong thing, even when it’s the right thing to do.

4. Which character do you wish you were more like?
• Roslin. She never hesitated to do what she believed to be the right thing, even if she also knew it was the wrong thing. She had great emotional strength and was totally badass.

5. What is your favorite performance by an inanimate object?
• When the raider scans Anders, recognizes him as a Final Five, and basically calls off the entire attack on the Fleet.

6. What’s your favorite story arc?
• The resistance on New Caprica. So topical, so well done.

7. Do you use frak in real life?
• Frak yeah!

8. If you answered “yes” to #7, do you feel proud, chagrined or indifferent?
• Frakkin’ proud.

9. You know you’re in trouble for something you did. Would you rather: a) Be told that Bill Adama wants to see you. -or- b) Be told that Laura Roslin wants to see you?
• Bill Adama. When he tells you off, he lets it rip. But then it’s over and you might even be able to have a drink with him. Roslin holds onto things longer.

10. What are you doing with the time you used to spend watching, reading about, and thinking about Battlestar Galactica?
• Catching up with other shows I’d been neglecting, like Reaper and Supernatural. And reading more about Battlestar, still.