Supernatural: Playing Catch-Up

I am so far behind… luckily, Sandy is wreaking havoc with our schedule today, so I have some time to blather about Supernatural.

The second eppy of the the season, “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” introduced us to ProphetKev’s momma, who was pretty much what I expected. Stereotypical, Asian mom? Yup. But the actress, (the awesome Lauren Tom) did her usual good job, and when she gave up her soul to save her son, I must admit my eyes were a wee bit damp. I like how these episodes are making sharp turns. Just when we think this is gonna be your standard SPN procedural, we find ourselves at an auction that ends up being awesome, and then heartbreaking. Because once you team up with Sam and Dean, you don’t get to keep ANYTHING nice.

Also, we get the much anticipated Dean/Cas reunion (weepers!) and find out some more juicy tidbits about what went down in Purgatory. I mean, all I needed was that epic hug between Dean and Castiel to make my night, so the rest of the episode was gravy.

The next installment, “Heartache” was… meh? Parts of some ancient Mayan guy are split up among some unsuspecting organ-needers and killing and stuff ensues.

Really? Lot’s of Sam and Dean talking and not even that inventive creepy creeps. I know that not every episode of SPN is gonna be awesome. I know that some of them are gonna be thudders. But I had hope for better than this, this season. It wasn’t 100% awful, but I honestly do not care about Sam’s twoo lurve. Maybe that makes me an ass. Maybe that makes me a DeanGirl, but Sammy’s lame flashbackery does not interest me.

But then, neither does watching Dean berate his brother constantly about hunting. ENOUGH. Also, it would be nice to see Sam be at least a little sad that Dean was gone. I mean, I know him dying/disappearing is getting commonplace, but DAMMIT, that’s his only family. He should have some period of being SAD. Instead we get weird, schmoopy vet girlfriend blah-biddy-blah. Sheesh.

Our lovely Jensen directed this episode, and I thought he did a swell job. It’s not his fault that the writers gave him a clunker to helm.

And now we come to the latest, “Bitten.”

I have very mixed feeling about this episode. I am all for a different take on the conventional storytelling on this show. Mix it up all you want! I like being surprized. But here’s the problem I have with ‘found footage’ stuff. It is supposed to be FOUND. Yet we always get opposing angles or some backstory that is totally convoluted to make it all make sense. I am willing to set aside my sense of continuity for a compelling story, but this one was MEH.

If we don’t get our wonderful Winchesters full-on in an episode, then give me some characters that are interesting in any way at all. I loved the ‘Ghostfacers’ episodes, because those guys were interesting (and funny). These college kids were typical, navel-gazing bores. The idea of some other kind of werewolf was a good idea, but once again, I didn’t care one whit about these kids.

Maybe it’s me? Looking back on this post I seem a bit cranky.

Here’s the thing. I ADORE the Winchesters. I want to enjoy the dickens out of this show. And I generally do, it’s just these past couple of episodes have not passed the one test that I find vital to the enjoyment of this show. Am I entertained after a glass of wine and a heaping helping of Winchester? Yes, they have had moments (seeing Sam & Dean research things together always make me HAPPY), but I have come out of these last two eppy’s feeling very Meh, and that is so not right. I mean, in the second episode we got some Castiel love, and we already had a pretty good affinity for Benny the vampire. And then they give up schmoopy Sam. Bleh.

Let’s step it up, people! (I always have hope. This week looks hopeful. It’s Halloween! And Benny the vampire!!)