The Carnival of Bauer!!! The Kim & Tony Edition

When I volunteered to do this week’s Carnival of Bauer!!! I didn’t realize I’d not only be the lucky one to host a carnival about the (brief) return of Kim Bauer, but also the (possible) turn to the dark side of Darth Zombie Tony Almeida.

But I’m the luckiest girl in the world, as we all know (I am, after all, the only full-fledged female member of Blogs4Bauer). And so, I am hosting a fabulous carnival.


And now, the carnival:

Adam presents 24 Season 8: Exclusive Sneak Preview posted at The Jack Sack™. You’ve gotta watch this whole thing. Has taken his excellent screencap skills and transferred them into video-making. I’m totally sold, and I think that Howard Gordon needs to take a cue from my B4B compatriot. This is totally the way to go with Season 8.

Jeff Kouba presents 24 Day 7 1:00 AM – 2:00 AM posted at Truth v. The Machine. This episode offered the best Dumpster gunfight scene since Milo and Marilyn were trapped behind one back in the Crapapalooza in Season 6, he suggests. You know, he’s right. No one does Dumpster gunfights like 24. Urban warfare.

King Tom presents A Supervillain’s Fantasy: Taking A Swing At The President posted at King Tom’s Kingdom. It’s true; it pretty much doesn’t get any better, villain-wise, than Jonas Hodges. And President Cankles sure did a good job of acting as if she were giving into his demands before she ordered him arrested. You go, girl!

Steve presents Season 7 – 24 – 1 am to 2 am posted at Magic Lamp. As usual, Steve’s post is chock full of funny, but this was my favorite line: “1:31 am – Renee tells Jack that the current plot device, the nerve agent, is no longer a problem, since it all burned up.”

Over at the TV Squad, they report on how Season 8 is going to be in New York. Now maybe they’ll use the script outline we wrote after the end of the Crapapalooza.

Who would win in a fight between Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer? That’s actually the best matchup yet. Make your feelings heard over at Hot Sticky Bun.

The debate is on: Is Tony really bad? Laura ponders over at Suite101.

And, the question on everyone’s minds: Will Jack Bauer die? 24Headquarters poses the question. There is, after all, one more season of 24 on the table, so maybe it wouldn’t be until after a Season 8. Or after a movie. Or never. Will he succumb to mad cow? Moo!

Finally, as always, there are the Blogs4Bauer liveblog; a memorial of sorts to Agent Larry Moss, who we all hated until about 5 minutes before they killed him off; and a CapThis contest.

That concludes this edition of the Carnival of Bauer!!!. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Bauer!!! using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Want to host a future edition of the carnival? Say so in the comments and mention your favorite Jack Bauer kill.