Supernatural: Annoying Teen, Part 3

They brought back Claire?

Because we had so many burning questions about her?


Poor Castiel got screwed this season. Terrible story for him. Even his awesome fighting skillz were compromised for the sake of story this week. Castiel has always been an exceptional warrior, but I guess he was no match for this new level of angelic beastie, the Gregori. That’s fine, new beastie’s are always welcome here, and Dean’s Mark of Cain wasn’t too effective either, so okay. But now that Amelia is dead, and reunion-ed with Jimmy in Heaven, can we please stop beating this storyline to death? Thanks.

Dean suffering from Millennial fatigue.

Dean suffering from Millennial fatigue.

Although the thought of Sheriff Mills taking in Winchester orphans and teaming up with Sheriff Donna would be a show I would totally watch, TheCW. Again, your spin-off is clearly right in front of you, time to jump!


The upside of this episode was Dean and Sam imparting Winchester wisdom to Claire. What does it say about me when I was rooting for Dean to give her a beer in the hotel? That it tickled me when Sam showed her how to hack a credit card account? I have always liked how Dean takes newbies under his wing, and this was one of the only things I really enjoyed about this episode. That, and Castiel’s lame attempt at an 18th birthday present – FakeGrumpyCat! Hee.

Happy birthday, Claire! Your very own stolen credit card!

Happy birthday, Claire! Your very own stolen credit card!

I would just like to take a moment and thank Jared and Jensen for their #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign, to help bring awareness to depression and mental health issues. Shit is for real, and they have been really awesome raising money for To Write Love On Her Arms and other worthy causes. See their pics and videos on their facebook pages. Also, see Jared’s interview about his experiences with depression.

Also, a big shout out to Misha for his awesome Random Acts.

Good work, guys!