Supernatural: Good Endings

This time around, I did something I rarely do. I checked out the fan boards after the episode to see what everyone was saying about it. Generally the SPN fangirls and boys are ruthless and can be unnecessarily mean (at least over on TWoP), but there seems to be a general “It wasn’t so bad” consensus. I feel the same.

We open with the standard “Wayward Son” montage, which I have become quite fond of.

A quick recap of where we are storywise is delivered by the quip-tastic duo of Crowley and Dick while Crowley continues to be confined by Dick’s devil trap. An offer of Canadian territory for Crowley leads to an amusingly large contract to be unfurled and the two get to working out the kinks, both thinking they have outdone the other in sneakiness.

But what Crowley doesn’t know, is that Dick still has the frozen arm of Original Recipe Dick, and intends to make many many snarky copies of himself, hiding in numbers so he can make his escape and screw Crowley like he did the vamps. What Dick doesn’t know is that Crowley screws EVERYONE. Period. Also, it turns out, that Crowley is the only one who knows the repercussions of the spell the Winchesters will be casting later in the episode.

Switch to our beautiful brothers in NotMetallicar complaining about their lack of anything. No books. No Cas (who apparently has a fondness for nudity and bees these days). No Bobby. But they do find the  righteous bone needed for the KillLeviathan spell, which comes from Sister Mary Constance. All that is needed now is the blood of Crowley.

Cas shows up with Meg at the hideout, and is impressed by the boys bone choice. Cas is worried about the monkeys  being used as lab rats, but also about the fact that his garrison is seemingly gone, most likely dead.  Cas still doesn’t want to fight, but is comfy with passing on much needed plot points. 🙂 And playing games. And making sandwiches. Hee.

Crowley finally shows, with a vial of blood. Is it his, or some random demon’s? He toys with the boys for a bit, threatens Meg, and leaves our heroes to cast the ultra-quiet, non-spectacular spell. *crickets* (hee)

We now take time out from the good of this episode, and deal with the silly and useless.

ProphetKev is trapped in a random room at Sucracorp with some zombie girl, who turns out to be the lab monkey (see what they did there?) for Dick’s latest creation. Creamers of Death for all the skinny, hemophiliac dummies out there who seem to be immune to the high-fructose coma that everyone else is suffering through. Words fail at how stupid this idea is, considering all the non-coffee drinking, real milk using peeps there are out there, but fine, let’s go with it, shall we? (While mostly amusing, this episode certainly has some very strong signs of Sera Gamble’s complete burn-out on this show.)

Meanwhile, GhostBobby is still ensconced within that poor maid, and is out wandering the streets for some reason. Oh wait, he’s headed for Sucracorp. To do what? Kill Dick with that enormous knife? Oh Bobby. Silly ghost. Sam chases him down and after almost being choked out, Bobby realizes what he is doing and flies out of the maid and into the ether.

Of course, GhostBobby shows up at the hideout in the midst of the boys TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD. After a cranky little monologue from the beleaguered GhostBobby, the Sad Winchesters finally (FINALLY) burn that damn flask. Bye bye Bobby. You were awesome. Until you sorta weren’t there at the end.

Back to the action!

After some pleading and cajoling (and a little bit of whining), Cas takes Dean to an undisclosed location with a suspicious form in the backround, covered in a yellow tarp. Hmmm, I wonder what that could be? We get one of those heart to hearts between Cas and Dean that I love so much and those two finally (FINALLY) make up. For real and for true. Fangirl satisfied!

Cut to METALLICAR! roaring onto the Sucrocorp grounds and crashing into the quite fragile signage. Out pops Meg (Dean let her drive his baby? They must be desperate). Meg Borax’s the security goons while Dean and Cas sneak on in. Unfortunately for Meg, this is just when Crowley’s goons show up to take Meg ‘home’.

Anyhoo, Cas and Dean bust into the lab and stick it to Dick, just as Sam and ProphetKev run in to see Dick get stabbed in the neck! Dick growls and throbs and smiles until he explodes black goo all over our screens. And as we return from a commercial for what looks like a lame reworking of Beauty & the Beast, we see that Dean and Cas have disappeared!

Crowley pops in and tells Sam he is the one to conquer and divide the remaining levi’s and then takes poor ol’ Kev as his payment for helping them. The shot pulls back to a lonely, panting Sam in a room covered in goo. Cut to Dean and our sweet little angel Castiel trapped in Purgatory. Sounds like our old Castiel is back! Dean turns to see the red-eyed monsters surrounding them, and turns back to see that Castiel has DISAPPEARED. Damn.

I have no idea if the ending was influenced by next season’s showrunner or not. All I know, is that Jeremy Carver has got some work to do. I appreciate finally getting to see Purgatory. I can only wonder if this will all be resolved in the first episode or two, as it was at the beginning of this season, or if we will have the beautiful brothers separated for while. As much as I’d love to watch the Dean and Castiel show for a while, I am pretty sure that I have no interest in watching just Sam gesticulate and scowl while tracking levi’s and trying to get his bro back. Again. I am torn as to how I’d like the story to proceed, but I have faith that Mr. Carver knows what he is doing.

See y’all in the fall!