So Say We All: The Battlestar Galactica Blog Carnival, Ed. 4.5.3

Friday’s episode was perhaps the finest ever for Battlestar Galactica – in part because it was absolutely the bleakest.

Because we have a mere seven episodes left, and we know this show doesn’t go in for the happy endings, who knows what’s going to happen. We know Adama makes it to this Friday’s episode, but will they kill him? Totally could happen.

I truly looked forward to everyone’s reviews this week because there was so much to consider.

Norman Doering presents Battlestar Galactica: “The Oath” posted at A Blog from Hell, saying, “This has happened before… In fact, this is the third mutiny. Come on, if even your robots can’t follow orders like robots and rebel on you, why would you treat people like robots?” And he points out that despite this being excellently drawn, it has left us at least one episode less in which to answer the questions raised by the existence of Cylons that are at least 2,000 years old.

Audra presents BSG – 3 down, 8 to go posted at True Science Fiction. She gives voice to many of the same questions the rest of us watching had, not least of all, “Is Adama dead?”

Roberta presents BSG So Say We All Blog carnival returns posted at CouchSlobs – A Monument To Human Idleness. The key to the show right now, Roberta rightly points out, has shifted from the “riddle” of the last Cylon to something far more important and compelling – what will humanity do now? Will it collapse in on itself and destroy those who’ve kept them alive for so long or will it join with those who destroyed the colonies and find a better path, together?

Ms. Smarty Pants presents Smiles in the Middle of Chaos posted at Ms. Smarty Pants Know It All, saying, “It was an episode in which most of the characters returned to form.” I smiled when I read her comment about Starbuck, that she functions best when the world around her is as crazy as she is – truth.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of so say we all using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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