The X-Files: Season 10! (It’s technically a season)

Holy moses, Mulder and Scully are back on my television!

Not only that, but now I have a DVR, so I can record all that spooky goodness and watch it over and over.

Hooray for me!

So, let’s get right to it. A lot of the early reviews gave the opening episode poor reviews. So I prepared myself for disappointment. More disappointment, as I know expectations can ruin the enjoyment of a beloved’s return.

Was it perfect? No.

Was it classic X-Files? YES.

xfiles happy gif

I loved it. From the decision to to use the original opening credits (I may have shed a tear), to giving us Skinner and the Cigarette Smoking Man in the first episode, to the pencils in the ceiling of Mulder’s old office, and a few moments of Mulder and Scully being sweet to each other. Great stuff.

Now, I was always a fan of the conspiracy episodes, so this was right in my wheelhouse. A monstrous, unbelievable, decades long conspiracy that, SUPRPRIZE, wasn’t what we thought it it was. OF COURSE. The people who are still bitter about how the conspiracy was handled in the original series will probably be irritated by the return to this massive, unwieldy, almost nonsensical story, but I revel in it. I love Chris Carter just throwing all this crazy stuff against the wall and seeing what comes of it. If anything.

*shrugs* I liked the Lost finale too, so sue me.

As annoyed as I was that the show started late because of stupid football, I was more than thrilled to have this show be unapologetically what it always was, a kooky, unbelievable hoot, with awesome characters grounding the whole thing. This show would have never worked without Mulder and Scully. Without Duchovny and Anderson. No way. It reminds me of that other crazy show from FOX, 24, that was one of my favorite shows ever, and how FOX is trying to reboot the show without Keifer. Can you imagine The X-Files without Anderson and Duchovny? Horrors.

Episode two is on tonight. They are giving us a one-two punch, which is great, because I went to bed with the theme song careening through my head last night. I am primed for more, and from what I hear, this will be mostly a MotW episode, which means our heroes will be in their Fed suits. Can’t wait!

Here’s the promo that ran at the end of last nights episode. FUN!!!