Twin Peaks: S1, Ep2. I’m Warming Up To These People

Episode 2, “Traces to Nowhere”

DISCLAIMER: This episode was watched at 11:30pm on a Saturday, with two glasses of wine in me. The following are my thoughts as the episode unfurled before me. 🙂

I think they shortened the opening credits. Good. </grumpycat>

Agent Cooper upside down in his underwear. Thank You!

TP coffee gif

We learn how Laura Palmer died. It’s pretty horrific. Leo of Leo and Shelly is pretty awful, and he has a bloody shirt in his laundry! DUN. And a ratty ponytail. Dun DUN.

Universal coffee and pie obsession established. (I always assumed it was just Agent Cooper. It is not.)

Laura Palmer had a lot of secrets. David Lynch loves the small town secrets. And the small town liars.

Eye patch lady. What.The.Hell.

Mike and Bobby suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. No wonder Laura had a side piece in James. You can’t ditch your golden-boy dick of a boyfriend for a greaser and expect to keep your status. This feeds into my general discontent for my own high school experience.

Agent Cooper is one sharp cookie, Sheriff. Sherlock Holmes would be proud.

Piper Laurie is awesome.

Sarah Palmer is cuckoo bananas. Completely.

Dr. Jacoby? Another half heart necklace? Whaaaaaaaaa…?

Nothin' but trouble, his one.

Nothin’ but trouble, his one.

The acting is way better in this episode. Maybe the network was all, we love it, but tone down the WEIRD a notch or two. 🙂

This town seems to be full of weirdos who are mostly decent. So far. This is my experience growing up in small towns. It most likely will all change, if I know David Lynch.