Supernatural: Brotherly Bonds… suck.

Before I start down the sad and depressing road that is “Torn and Frayed” I wold like to give props to whomever is picking the music for this season’s soundtrack. It is keeping with the classic rock vibe, but using ‘fresh’ tunes instead of the same three Styx and Kansas songs. It’s very kick-ass.

Okay, on to the most depressing episode in the world…

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After a season recap with an epic The Road So Far, we open with the second sweetest angel in the world, Semandrial (<– spelling?), being tortured by some rando, who is most likely being directed by Crowley. Turns out a giant nail through the forehead can turn off the angel radio, which is gross.

Dean shows up at Sammy’s Hotel of Schmoop and tells him to quit acting like such a baby, while Sammy is all Benny Sucks! Ugh, these two…and Dean walks out annoyed at his little brother’s priorities. I’m not sure who more of a jerk in this whole morass, although Dean does apologize for the wild Amelia goose chase.

Meanwhile, Castiel is off doing Random Acts of Do-Goodery when that crazy Heaven lady pops him into her office and orders him to go get the second sweetest angel and bring him to her.

Sooooo, Sam and Amelia get it on for one last time (hopefully), Cas enlists Dean in the search for Semandrial, and Crowley (I knew it!), digs deep into that angels brain and not only finds out a neat little OS response, but learns that there is also an Angel Word of God, which of course there is!

Cas decides he needs Sammy to help them on their Semandrial search, and the three of them act valiantly and bravely in his rescue, only to have the annoying Heaven lady tell Castiel to kill him because he had given out too much info on the Angel tablet… so Castiel, heartbreakingly and after some awfully horrible torture flashes, kills him. All that work for nothing! And now Cas is confused and sad and OMG I hate seeing him like that. (Good work, Misha. I was mortified.)

ProphetKev is off trying to translate the bit of the Word of God tablet he has, to no avail, really.

Oh yeah, randomly thrown in, Benny calls Dean for some sponsor-like help, as he is jonesing for some Happy Picnicking Family blood. But Sammy has been such a baby about the whole Benny thing, Dean decides to cut Benny loose instead of helping him. Oh yeah, nothing bad will come of that, Sammy!

So Sam and Dean are back together, dedicated to each other and the fight, or whatever. I really liked this episode, even if it was gross and horrifying and manipulative and maddening and about as heartbreaking as Supernatural gets. HEARTBREAKING! But by the end, I was all, this is good. I like it. I hate everyone, but I like it. Mostly because I am curious about where we’re going next. I think I know, but I’m not sure I do. Good stuff!