Supernatural: Kiss and Man Up

I would like to admit up front that I have always felt that Supernatural is really Dean’s story. Don’t get me wrong, Sam is vital, but I feel like the whole story of the Winchester’s is all about Dean’s journey more than anything.

So this week, we had to put up with sad, vaguely annoying Dean for half of the episode, as he whined about how useless it all was, and how he was just gonna let Michael have his way with him. Quite frankly, feeling-sorry-for-himself Dean is no fun. Imagine my happiness when Castiel showed up and kicked Dean’s ass all over that dark alley!

I like the addition of making BabyWinchester Adam part of the mix. Once he was dead, it never occurred to me that he might be brought back, but that Zachariah is a wily one! I thought it was pretty clever, because Dean just can not resist the family thing, especially someone he sees as an innocent.

So, we end up in Van Nuys, of all places, in the Angel room. After Castiel once again shows us his mad Angel skillz, Dean and Sam crash in on Adam and Zach, and all kinds of gory business takes place, resulting in the spectacular ganking of Zachariah, and the mildly unexpected taking of BabyAdam by Michael (who is a big, loud Angel, it seems!).

The best part of this episode, is that Dean finally stops feeling sorry for himself, and it looks like he is ready to embrace Sam again. Hooray! Hopefully, this is gonna be a race to the finish line of this apocalypse, our brothers fighting shoulder to shoulder.

I know that Lucifer is busy being Jacob over on Lost, but I sure hope we get to see him again soon.