Lost: Jin and Sun, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g

Even though I love the star-crossed Jin and Sun, I sometimes find the Jin/Sun-centric episodes a bit lacking. A little boring, even.

But with just seven episodes (now six) left in the series, I find nothing boring. I need to study every detail, examine every motivation, and last night did not disappoint.


Finally, Jin and Sun really know the other is there. They are so near, yet so far. I really thought that Sun was going to go with Flocke, but was glad to see she didn’t. Her frantic flight through the jungle, though, left her with a concussion and the inability to speak English, shades of Season 1, hmm?

Gotta admit, though, I couldn’t figure out why no one gave her a pen and paper earlier on. That was the first thing I thought of. Yeah, I’m smart that way. Whatever.

OK, so why did Sun, who is willing to do ANYthing to find Jin, flee from Flocke? Well, she did see him stroll out of Jacob’s lair (while Real Locke was laying on the ground, you know, still dead), punch Richard in the face and carry him off.

One might be predisposed to avoiding someone after experiencing a situation.

This couple, perhaps because no one is quite sure which of them is the “candidate,” is so vital to the solution as to what this show actually is. That was never more clear than last night. Some have theorized that their daughter is actually the “Kwon” whose name is on the cave ceiling.

But she’s not there. Will she somehow show up before the season ends? Will she be what stops Flocke from leaving?

As for Jin, I found it interesting that he, too, is completely unwilling to trust Flocke to bring his wife to him. He didn’t even trust Flocke enough to take his advice and let his leg wound air out.

I didn’t realize, however, that Jin was the one who helped Dharma map out all the pockets of electromagnetic energy on the island. That was an interesting twist. And makes sense why Widmore and his crew wanted Jin. Not sure why Widmore was so upset it was done sooner rather than later. Perhaps he just wanted to take care of the MiB first?

But Jin’s background has nothing to do with geology or electromagnetic fields or any of that stuff. He’s the son of a fisherman who became the muscle for his father-in-law. What’s up with that? And why would seeing Desmond be important to him? Can Des tell him something about the future that will be a game-changer?


To me, the significance of the off-island situation was simply this: Jin and Sun are meant to be together.

They’re not married off-island. They’re not even supposed to be dating. How Jin got a job with Mr. Paik is a mystery in this flash sideways. He got the job with Mr. Paik in the real timeline because he and Sun were in love. But how did he get in with Paik here?

Probably not important, but I want to know. And we know that Widmore and Paik had some sort of connection, as Sun went to Widmore about her dad at some point.

I can only guess that Paik sent Sun on the trip with Jin simply to prove his point: Sun will not have a relationship with anyone other than who he selects, and it sure as heck ain’t gonna be his hired muscle. So he took her money and hired Keamy to kill her lover.

Poor Keamy. Dead in any timeline. OK, he was pretty much a slimeball in both timelines, so I don’t really care. He made a great bad guy. Though he was oddly sweet to Jin, I thought, as he duct-taped him to a chair in a meat locker.

I’m thinking the baby is saved, by the way. How they’re gonna explain the gunshot wound at the hospital, though, is another story. Sun’s gonna have to ‘fess up that she speaks English, I’m thinking.

• Desmond was the package. Who else thought Jin & Sun’s daughter was gonna be the package. Raise of hands?
• Holla for Mikail! Love how the eye that gets shot out is the same one that he had a patch over on the island. By the by, that also is another tick in the column of “whatever happens, happens” and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.
• Did Flocke just tell Claire to do whatever she wanted to Kate after Kate made sure that all the boys got on board with leaving the island? Um, yeah, he did. Dayum. P.S. He also declared war on Widmore.
• I really liked Jack last night. I think his realization that he really is on this island for some greater reason, that there is a fate of some sort, has given him a peace he’s never had. He doesn’t know how he’s going to fix anything, but he knows he’s a part of how things can be fixed. Instead of forcing the fix, it will come naturally. That might sound jumbled, but read it again. I truly think that Jack has found a peace with knowing he actually is a part of the solution and accepting that he doesn’t understand what’s going on, but he will when he needs to.