Dollhouse: Renewed?

The official announcement won’t come until tomorrow, but The Hollywood Reporter says Fox has ordered another 13 episodes of the low-rated sci-fi drama, Dollhouse.


At the start of the season, I was a bit take-it-or-leave it about the show. But as the season progressed, it got far more complex and, frankly, sinister. I still haven’t seen the season (not series!) finale, but I’ll be watching that tonight.

I loved that Joss Whedon brought in Wash from Firefly to be Alpha. I’ve mourned Wash’s death ever since he was impaled in Serenity. And I love that Alpha is basically bat-guano crazy because he’s in love with Echo.

That goes back to the whole idea they explored with Victor and Sierra a few episodes back, where even when they were in their blank state and even when they were given some of their own memories, Victor stuck by Sierra and cared nothing for his own life, only for helping her.

The idea that love knows no boundaries and can break through all barriers is actually rather lovely, particularly for science fiction.

What will next season bring? Not sure, but it should be interesting. I wonder, however, if the unaired Episode 14, Epitaph One, will kick off the second season, and we’ll find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic world.

That’d be pretty cool.

So, Fox, will we finally learn the fate of TSCC tomorrow?