Dollhouse: How can a pretty decent show that features hot women with little clothing do poorly in the ratings?

Liking Dollhouse was predetermined for me. From the brain of Joss Whedon (Firefly, Buffy), a sci-fi look at a shadowy organization that keeps a cadre of men and women in a “tabula rasa” state until they’re needed for any one of various missions for “clients” and then programmed with the necessary personality and skills.


It also co-stars Tahmoh Penikett, late of Battlestar Galactica, as the FBI agent who is trying to find the so-called Dollhouse to rescue all these poor innocents who’ve been forced into what he believes to be a life of prostitution.

After watching a few episodes (bless the inventor of the DVR!), I do like it, but I’m sad to report that Agent Paul Ballard wasn’t that far off when he feared the Dolls were unwilling prostitutes.

First off, we know that when one Doll managed to overcome his “programming,” he went all ninja on the staff and Dolls and killed many. He does not appear to have even tried to hurt Echo (played by show star Eliza Dushku), however. The little bit I’ve seen so far seems to make it apparent that Alpha is trying to push Echo to break out of the mold and escape the tabula rasa state.

Why Echo? Only time will tell, I suppose (yes, I’m fully aware the season – perhaps series – has ended and this question may have been answered, but I’ve only seen three or four episodes so far, so bear with me).

What we do know about her at this point is that her real-life name is Caroline and she kinda sorta volunteered for the Dollhouse, though she wasn’t given much of a choice because of something she apparently did that she’d get in trouble for if she didn’t join the Dollhouse.

But we had that episode where Alpha hired that psycho guy to teach her to bowhunt, have sex with her and then … bowhunt her? WTF is all I have to say about that. And then there’s the one where Echo had to save the prima donna diva with a deathwish from both her crazed fan and herself. In that one, the singer basically wore a bra and panties on stage and Echo wore a dress that, if it had been any shorter, would have shown Echo’s … lady parts.

My husband likes this show, did I mention?

I really enjoyed the episode, though, where Echo was wiped clean via remote.

The series has a lot of promise, and I hope that Fox finally decides to renew it, though I doubt that’ll happen. Why did Joss Whedon decide to go with Fox, again? That worked out, exactly how for him in the past?

I just would like a little less prostitution.