Supernatural’s not-so-supernatural return

Don’t take from the title that I didn’t think tonight’s episode of Supernatural was good. There were several times I had the crap scared out of me and I’m very grateful at the moment that we have a nightlight in the second-floor hallway for the little guys.


I just mean it’s interesting that the show’s return after the angels v. demons showdown at the end of the season’s first half turned out not to be of a supernatural nature at all.

It sure seemed that way at the start – a girl coming out of the walls, looking all creepy and ghostlike.

Then she slashed tires, stole guns and … STEPPED OVER THE SALT! Run!!!!!!

I’m sitting here alone in the living room (my husband may make a guest appearance on this blog this weekend to expound on all the reasons that are wrong with Supernatural and other shows, starting with the fact that there were not hot women wearing tight sweaters) and I keep looking over my shoulder, hoping no one comes out of the walls.

Is it wrong, though, that I didn’t feel too badly that the brother-in-law was killed by crazy wall girl? He was really obnoxious. I’m glad the little kid was OK, and sorry the dog was killed. (Buster? Really? Isn’t that a little cliche?)

It was kind of interesting, too, to have the boys handle a demon that wasn’t a demon.

But what was most compelling about the episode, I thought, came at the end – when Dean admitted what he never wanted to admit. He enjoyed torturing others in Hell. And now he’s torturing himself for it.

What Dean needs to realize is that part of his hell was that he enjoyed torture. As someone who didn’t really belong in hell (c’mon, this guy has spent his life killing demons, you can’t tell me he belongs in hell), it seems to me that part of his hellish experience was to enjoy the torture and if he ever got out, to have to live with it.

It’ll be interesting to see how Dean’s hatred of himself will play out over the next several weeks. Will he be able to wrestle his inner demons into submission?

I’m looking forward to the rest of this season.

And I think I’ll leave the living room light on so I don’t have to walk up the stairs inthe dark.